The secessionist movement flourished in Marion County Property Appraiser. Organizers urged the state to host the Florida Secession Convention and join other southern states in secession from the United States. The area had many plantations, and more than half of the population was enslaved African Americans.Do you live in Marion County, Ocala? and want to have your Homestead Exemption, TPP, and all your mapping needs at your fingertips? Download our new APP!!!
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You’ll always find us putting your needs first at the Marion County Real Estate Assessment Office!
Access all your mapping needs with our new Beta MAP IT+ system:
– Explore Ocala’s top properties.
– View property sales by a lot.
– Compare sales in the region.
– Aerial photographsYou don’t have paper at home, don’t worry! We offer electronic archiving:
-No need to queue; You can submit your Homestead and TPP returns using our app!
Are you looking for real estate? We have what you need! With our state-of-the-art real estate search, you can search for:
– Address
– Last name
– Property
– tangible package
– Subdivision names
– Book and page
Calculating the property tax you must pay can be tedious; With our “property tax calculator,” we simplify the task for you.
Need help changing your mailing address? We can also help you digitally with this.
Feeling a bit lost with the app or having trouble finding our office? Don’t worry, we’re here for you! You can contact us anytime for assistance.
Phone: 352-368-8300
501 SE 25th Ave.
Ocala, Florida 34471
Applications for the fiscal year 2022 are available from the Marion County Auditor’s Office, 222 W Center St, Marion, Ohio, or click id1567938925.
Install our app from the Apple Store and experience the convenience and accessibility it offers. We appreciate your trust in us and look forward to continuing to serve you with excellence through our digital tools and resources. Your property information is now just a tap away!
To download the Family Property Waiver Application.